PU29.01 Programming for female sex workers during COVID-19 pandemic: experiences from Bar Hostess Empowerment and Support Program, Nairobi KenyaPublication OnlyTreatment as prevention
PU28.03 Partner age-disparity, sexual risk, and geographic mobility in rural Kenyan and Ugandan communitiesPublication OnlyTransmission of HIV
PU28.02 Factors associated with knowledge of PEP and PrEP among female sex workers in 12 Brazilian citiesPublication OnlyTransmission of HIV
PU28.01 Findings from an HIV risk behavior assessment among penal and probation population in Ukraine  Publication OnlyTherapeutic vaccines, viral reservoirs and eradication/remission
PU26.01 Quality and turnaround times of PMTCT viral load monitoring under Option B+ in six South African districts with high antenatal HIV burdenPublication OnlyTesting: technology, coverage, viral load, point of care and CD4 count
PU25.03 Health care providers' preferences about an MPT implant: insights from South Africa and Zimbabwe on the Subcutaneous Contraceptive HIV Implant Engineered for Long-acting Delivery (SCHIELD) StudyPublication OnlyProduct acceptability and adherence
PU25.02 Correlates of adherence to the dapivirine vaginal ring for HIV-1 preventionPublication OnlyProduct acceptability and adherence
PU25.01 Social disclosures in relation to perceived HIV protection provided by the dapivirine vaginal ringPublication OnlyPreclinical studies for HIV prevention
PU24.01 Birth microbiota in HIV-exposed-uninfected infants cause changes in innate and adaptive immune compartments in a murine modelPublication OnlyPreclinical studies for HIV prevention
PU23.04 Lessons learned from the strategic agenda for key populations: Experiences from BrazilPublication OnlyPolicy and advocacy
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