PE16.32 | Multipurpose prevention technologies: Strategy recommendations to guide the most promising products from the lab to hands of women | E-poster | Delivery technologies: novel approaches, formulation and multi-purpose |
PE16.31 | Number of training scenarios required to achieve competence in PrEP delivery for adolescents: a standardized patient actor intervention in Kenya | E-poster | Implementation science, including structural interventions, PrEP & VMMC |
PE16.30 | Prevalence of syphilis among adolescents' men who have sex with men (MSM) and transgender women (TGW) in Brazil | E-poster | Implementation science, including structural interventions, PrEP & VMMC |
PE16.28 | Evaluation of doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis to reduce sexually transmitted infections in men who have sex with men and transgender women living with HIV or using HIV PrEP: the pre-COVID cohort | E-poster | Implementation science, including structural interventions, PrEP & VMMC |
PE16.27 | PrEP initiation and continuation among adolescent key population in Brazil: a cascade analysis | E-poster | Implementation science, including structural interventions, PrEP & VMMC |
PE16.26 | Effects of the Asibonisane Community Responses program on sexual partnerships and condom use for men and women in informal settlements in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa | E-poster | Implementation science, including structural interventions, PrEP & VMMC |
PE16.25 | Increasing the uptake of VMMC services among men 15 ' 49 using commercial farming platforms: Lessons learnt from Zambia | E-poster | Implementation science, including structural interventions, PrEP & VMMC |
PE16.24 | Building targets from the ground up: how local performance data can help reach HIV prevention goals | E-poster | Implementation science, including structural interventions, PrEP & VMMC |
PE16.23 | Decreased 3-month pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) continuation and adherence during COVID-19 in Hanoi, Vietnam | E-poster | Implementation science, including structural interventions, PrEP & VMMC |
PE16.22 | Starting and staying on PrEP: a scoping review of strategies for supporting and improving effective use of PrEP | E-poster | Implementation science, including structural interventions, PrEP & VMMC |